
Stone Alignment

One of the highlights of our latest trip to the Dingle peninsula was the visit to the stone row at Ardamore. The alignment is situated on pastureland in the Lispole Valley. We had acquired permission to visit the row from the farm lying to the west of the site. Following the farmers instructions we drove up the track from the farm, only to be stopped by a large area of impassable slurry at least 12 inches deep. We decided to go back to the main road and take the track to the east of the row. This was a great call. As we walked along the farm track the views of the valley in the evening sunlight were simply stunning.

The stone row lies to the west of the last field along the track, but the first megalith you will come to is a huge decorated standing stone, an outlier of the row. The row itself is 7.5 metres long and consists of three large stones. The tallest stone is 3 metres in height and stands at the NE end of the row. The second and third stones are just over 2 metres tall. The row is orientated on the setting sun at Winter Solstice. This whole valley is simply gorgeous and littered with many megaliths, including the standing stone at Graigue. Minard Castle also lies to the south east of here.

The standing stone in the distance

Looking along the row from the south west.

Situated: From the N86 before Lispole, take a left turn at the shop at Kate's Cross. Then right and next left. Then first right and the next right. About 2k down here is a track on your left after the track there is a gate on your right. with a pull in opposite. The site is through this gate and at the bottom of the track on your left. Please ask at the farm before visiting.

Discovery Map 70: Q 5220 0005. Last visit Sept 2012.

Longitude: 10° 9' 31" W

Latitude: 52° 7' 58" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

Another view from the south west

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